
Disinfection is achieved by chlorine, chlorine dioxide, electro chlorination and ozone, Hydrogen peroxide and solutions of chlorine compounds such as sodium or calcium hypochlorite, Ultra violet radiation, Heat – boiling and steaming and their combinations.

Ion Exchange’s high-performance, cost effective and low maintenance disinfection solutions address potable water disinfection, wastewater as well as process water disinfection requirements.

Chlorine Dioxide Generator

INDION CHLOGEN is a very reliable and cost effective solution in disinfection technology combining high performance, simplicity of use and low maintenance…

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lNOCHLOR is on-site, integrated system which produces mixed oxidants from a salt solution for disinfection of water. The electrolyte cell is the heart of the system and disinfectant is produced by electrolysing salt solution. INDCHLOR is designed to generate mixed oxidants continuously except during cleaning and maintenance…

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Ozonation is a chemical water treatment which involves onsite ozone generation for disinfection & degradation of organics, inorganic pollutants, color removal, BOD/ COD reduction from water and waste water. …

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Our integrated services cover every aspect of your water treatment plant’s performance to give you a complete package of benefits.

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