Advance Nanofiltration Membrane for improved Whey DM concentration

One of the leading dairy product supplier in India was in search of advance nanofiltration membrane for replacement in its existing Whey Demineralisation and Concentration plant since the existing membranes were not able to desired Whey DM quality to optimise system performance and improve product quality.

We proposed to replace the existing membrane of competition with advance nanofitration membranes. Based on subsequent discussions client placed order for 8040 NF membrane.

Turboclean Ultrafiltration sanitary membranes offered the following benefits to client over existing whey protein concentration membranes;

  • Reduced bypass flow maximizes cross-flow velocity at the membrane surface resulting in more product throughput and better overall product yields.
  • High cross flow across membrane lead to (20 to 40)% energy saving for the client.
  • Technical support for plant operation.

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