Array of Solutions for the Fertiliser Industry

In the fertiliser industry, water is not only part of the production process but also forms part of the product itself. At Ion Exchange, our treatment systems provide required quality of water whether for process use, drinking water, cooling water, rinse water or boiler feed. This includes the widest range of advanced systems for the complete water treatment circuit, along with chemical treatment systems and comprehensive service support.

Apart from the production process requirements, industrial waste treatment is a complex problem for fertiliser industry. Major pollutants in the fertilisers waste water for which the treatment is necessary include oil, arsenic, ammonia, urea, phosphate and fluoride. Our solutions offer cost effective, innovative technologies to treat water for process use as well as to reduce and recycle waste water to achieve zero discharge.

Abbreviation Table

PT – Pre Treatment
RO/DM/SF/DAIK – Reverse Osmosis/
BWTC – Boiling Water Treatment Chemicals
CWTC – Cooling water Treatment Chemicals
PWTP – Potable Water Treatment Plant
CTBDRP – Cooling Tower Blow Down Recovery Plant
SSF – Side Stream Filter
SF – Softeners
ETP – Effluent Treatment Plant
STP – Sewage Treatment Plant
WTEP – Waste to Energy Plant
POU – Point Of Use Purifiers
TVR – Thermal Vapor Recompression
MVR – Mechanical Vapor Recompression