Sustainable Solutions for Homes & Residential Complexes
Water management is a major challenge facing town planners, builders, architects, homes and residential complexes. Increasing pollution of water supply sources, both surface and ground water, have made the quality of water, particularly for drinking, a critical concern. Indeed, availability and quality of water has become a key deciding factor in the purchase of any property.
Our complete range of technologies, products and services enables us to provide total water & environment management solutions for homes and residential complexes. This translates into assured quality of water for every use – drinking, cooking, bathing, laundry, air conditioning, swimming pools, car washing and gardening.
To treat solid waste sustainably, we offer waste-to-energy solutions that convert solid waste (organic kitchen waste and sewage sludge) into energy, hot water and rich organic fertiliser. All this, backed by comprehensive operation & maintenance services, will ensure any property becomes water and energy neutral.