
Filtration is one of the most important steps in conventional water treatment system. It is the process of separating the solid particles from water by forcing the water to pass through the filtration media. We offer the widest range of technically advanced filters that include Multimedia Pressure and Gravity filters, Auto Valve Less and Continuous Sand Filters, Activated Carbon Filters and Filter Pak.

Pressure Sand Filters

Pressure sand filter is an automatic particle filtration system that delivers highly clarified water from unpleasant particulate water….

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Multi Grade Filter

Multigrade Filters (MGF) is a depth filter that makes use of coarse and fine media mixed together in a fixed proportion….

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New Generation Activated Carbon Filters

New Generation Manual & Auto Carbon Filters are intended to remove Free Residual Chlorine (FRC) from feedwater….

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Continuous Sand Filter

Continuous Sand Filter is a continuous upflow deep bed granular media filter which can filter influent containing up to ten times more dirt than traditional filter….

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Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter

Auto Valveless Gravity Filter (AVGF) is a highly efficient automatic filter that operates without any single valve, backwash pump,….

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Filter Pak

Filter Pak comes with different density of filter layers and offers two stages of filtration process. Roughing followed by fine polishing….

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