La estrategia de sustentabilidad de Ion Exchange se basa en el propósito de nuestro negocio, es decir, conservar los recursos más preciados del planeta a través de soluciones totales de gestión ambiental y del agua. Para lograrlo, brindamos tecnologías y soluciones sustentables de vanguardia para la gestión de residuos líquidos, sólidos y gaseosos generados por industrias, instituciones, hogares y comunidades, tanto urbanas como rurales. De esta manera, se eliminan los contribuyentes que conducen a un cambio climático adverso y ayudan a crear un impacto positivo en la vida de las personas y el medio ambiente.

Así, desde hace más de 50 años, aportamos productos y tecnologías que nos han convertido en el mayor proveedor de soluciones sostenibles en el sector del agua y el medio ambiente, contribuyendo así a la consecución de múltiples Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, con especial foco en el Objetivo del Agua.


Es imperativo que el agua se gestione eficazmente, no sólo en la fuente, sino a lo largo de todo su ciclo de vida. Los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad de Ion Exchange están alineados para lograr objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Creemos que la regeneración junto con la sostenibilidad es el nuevo objetivo de la gestión de los recursos hídricos y adoptamos un enfoque integrado para la conservación del agua.

Rajesh Sharma

Presidente y director general de Ion Exchange (India) Ltd.

It is imperative that water be effectively managed not just at the source but throughout its life cycle. Ion Exchange’s sustainability efforts are inline towards achieving the sustainable development goals. We believe that regeneration together with sustainability is the new goal for water resources management and take an integrated approach towards conservation of water.

Rajesh Sharma

Chairman and Managing Director, Ion Exchange (India) Ltd.

sewage treatment plant
cation exchange resins
ion exchange resin
Speciality Chemicals in India
Paper chemicals manufacturer in India
RO water treatment chemical manufacturer in India
Reverse Osmosis Chemical Manufacturer
Cooling Water Treatment Chemical Manufacturer in India
Sugar Processing Chemicals Manufacturer in India
Sugar Industry Chemicals Manufacturer
Chemical Waste Water Treatment
Sugar Industry Chemicals Manufacturer
Chemical processing and petrochemical applications for ion exchange resins
Zero Liquid Discharge Plant with Advance Technology in India
water processing equipment products
cation exchange resins
ion exchange resin
Speciality Chemicals in India
Paper chemicals manufacturer in India
RO water treatment chemical manufacturer in India
Reverse Osmosis Chemical Manufacturer
Cooling Water Treatment Chemical Manufacturer in India
Sugar Processing Chemicals Manufacturer in India
Sugar Industry Chemicals Manufacturer
Chemical Waste Water Treatment
Sugar Industry Chemicals Manufacturer
Chemical processing and petrochemical applications for ion exchange resins
Zero Liquid Discharge Plant with Advance Technology in India
water processing equipment products

Reconocimiento reciente por nuestra contribución. hacia los ODS

RS- ESG Visionary award
Mr Rajesh Sharma, CMD, Ion Exchange (India) Ltd, was awarded 'ESG Visionary of the Year' at Transformance Forums' 3rd Annual ESG Awards & Summit 2023

3rd Annual ESG Summit and Award 2023

ESG Nov 2022
Mr. Satya Palai- AVP –Sustainable Development & Total Quality Management, receives the Award for ‘Best initiative to Improve Energy Efficiency & access to Clean Energy’ at Transformance Forums' 2nd Annual ESG Summit and Awards 2022, on behalf of Ion Exchange (India) LTD

2nd Annual ESG Summit and Awards 2022

Mr. Ajay Popat (President, Ion Exchange (India) Ltd.) and Mr. Sharad Jha, (DGM-Business Development, Ion Exchange (India) Ltd.) at the TERI Water Sustainability Awards 2022-2023 (supported by UNDP & IWA). Ion Exchange was awarded the ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ for Innovation in Water Technology for our INDION Integrated Waste Management System (with Resource Recovery).

TERI Water Sustainability Awards 2022-2023

TERI – IWA – UNDP Water Sustainability Awards 2021-2022​-img
Mr. Ajay Popat, President, Ion Exchange (India) Ltd. accepting the TERI-IWA-UNDP Water Sustainability Award for Wastewater treatment & Safe Reuse

TERI – IWA – UNDP Water Sustainability Awards 2021-2022

Mr. Rajesh Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director, Ion Exchange (India) Ltd. accepting the Champions of Sustainability Solutions Award



Libro de mesa de centro ET ODS
Informe de Responsabilidad Corporativa 2019 - 2020
Informe de Responsabilidad Corporativa 2020 - 2021
Informe de Responsabilidad Corporativa 2021-22