ION EXCHANGE的可持续性战略以我们的业务目标为基础,即通过全面的水和环境管理解决方案来保护地球上最宝贵的资源。为此,我们可提供最先进的可持续技术和解决方案,用于管理城市和农村的各个行业、机构、家庭和社区产生的液体、固体和气体废物。因此,消除可导致不利气候变化的系列因素有助于对人们的生活和环境产生积极影响。因此,50多年以来,我们提供的产品和技术已经使我们成为水和环境领域可持续解决方案的最大供应商,从而为实现多个可持续发展目标做出贡献,特别是水方面的目标。

必须在源头以及整个生命周期对水进行有效管理。Ion Exchange的可持续发展措施有助于实现可持续发展目标。我们相信再生与可持续发展是水资源管理的新目标,并采取了各种方法来保护水资源。
Rajesh Sharma
Ion Exchange (India) Ltd.董事长兼常务董事。.
It is imperative that water be effectively managed not just at the source but throughout its life cycle. Ion Exchange’s sustainability efforts are inline towards achieving the sustainable development goals. We believe that regeneration together with sustainability is the new goal for water resources management and take an integrated approach towards conservation of water.
Rajesh Sharma
Chairman and Managing Director, Ion Exchange (India) Ltd.

- Ion Exchange has committed to and offers equal employment opportunities without discrimination including equal pay for equal work.
- We support communities affected by climate – related disasters.
- We provide ecological and resource sustainability, particular for those living in vulnerable situations.

- Ion Exchange provides affordable and accessible healthcare options to our employees.
- We strive to adapt best practices in Occupational Health and Safety at all our office and manufacturing locations.

- Through our well-planned CSR initiatives, Ion Exchange provides vocational and technical training programs with regular skill upgradation to communities.
- Through scholarships, we provide Educational assistance to under-privileged children.
- Recognition to teachers / trainers for their exemplary contribution is provided.

- We strive to create a fair, diverse and inclusive workplace with principles of gender equality embedded in our policies and processes.
- We strictly adhere to gender-neutral hiring practices.
- We are committed to ensure no discrimination or exploitation against women

- We provide safe & pure drinking water to communities through our products, solutions and services.
- We deploy innovative and robust waste management strategies targeted to reduce, reuse and recycle water from all types of liquid wastes.
- We invest in deploying advanced technologies to replenish water used in the manufacturing process both within our premises and for our customers.
- We employ Rain Water Harvesting techniques within our premises to encourage water conservation.

- We invest in solutions that promote integrated waste management while producing green energy
- Ion Exchange is committed to the usage of renewable (including alternate sources of energy) and green energy for reduction of our energy footprint
- We undertake process optimization and exercise efficient management of utility equipments to reduce natural gas consumption (energy)

- We follow fair and equitable practices for everyone in our operations to earn fair income, security in the work place, social protection for families, and better prospects for personal development.
- We are committed to eradicate forced labour, child labour in all our operations.
- Ion Exchange process and policies promote fair selection of suppliers and are aimed at improving economic inclusion throughout the supply chain.
- We make financial advice available to employees at the workplace and conduct regular workshops to address financial queries and keep employees updated of best investment practices.

- Ion Exchange aims at building resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation and resource efficiency in our supply chain management.
- We continually invest in building, strengthening and developing the country’s capacities.
- We invest in development of innovative products & solutions to address the need of industries in meeting stringent environmental norms.
- We source local products and manage logistics to create positive impact on local entrepreneurship.

- Ion Exchange is committed to reducing inequalities in income as well as discrimination based on sex, disability, religion and social class.
- Through our planned CSR initiatives, we contribute to uplifting economically challenged groups in society to progressively achieve greater equality.

- Ion Exchange provides customized technologies, products and services for total water management to communities.
- We aim to reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, by paying special attention to municipal waste management.
- We ensure assured quality of water for every use – drinking, cooking, bathing, laundry, air conditioning, swimming pools, car washing, gardening etc. through our sustainable solutions & services.
- We provide circular solutions that treat solid waste (organic kitchen waste and sewage sludge) and convert it into green energy, purified water and rich organic fertilizer.

- Ion Exchange conducts drives to promote consumer awareness and to engage them to substantially reduced waste generation through presentations on reduction, recycle and reuse.
- We develop and execute product stewardship strategies in accordance with agreed international frameworks and consciously aim at reducing our environmental footprint.
- We strictly follow statutory compliance guidelines across geographies we operate.
- We continually strive to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production to reduce waste generation, improve management of chemicals and toxic waste, use of energy efficient components, lighting etc. and responsible disposal of waste.

- We are committed to improve on energy efficiency while reducing our Carbon footprint by adoption of Energy efficient technology, equipment, systems and practices.
- Ion Exchange’s disaster management unit (DMU) is a state-of-the-art containerised water treatment system specially designed to cater to emergency requirements of drinking water during natural calamities. With vagaries of climate, our DMU’s are effective in combating climate change.

- We utilize due diligence tools including risk identification, impact assessments, management and mitigation measures, reporting grievance mechanisms and other stakeholder engagement processes.
- We possess a zero-tolerance policy and approach towards corruption and bribery at all levels promoting an effective and accountable organization.

- Ion Exchange actively participates in and leads dialogue between domestic and international stakeholder groups to promote sustainability.
- Ion Exchange partners with international organizations to bring sustainable products and solutions to the market.
- 离子交换 致力于并提供不受歧视的平等就业机会,包括同工同酬。
- 我们支持受气候相关灾害影响的社区。
- 我们提供生态和资源的可持续性,特别是为那些生活在弱势境地的人们。
- Ion Exchange 为我们的员工提供负担得起且方便的医疗保健选择。
- 我们努力在所有办公室和制造地点采用职业健康和安全方面的最佳实践。
- 通过我们精心策划的企业社会责任计划,Ion Exchange 为社区提供定期技能升级的职业和技术培训计划。
- 通过奖学金,我们为贫困儿童提供教育援助。
- 表彰教师/培训师的模范贡献。
- 我们努力创建一个公平、多元化和包容性的工作场所,并将性别平等原则融入我们的政策和流程中。
- 我们严格遵守性别中立的招聘做法。
- 我们致力于确保不歧视或剥削妇女
- 我们通过我们的产品、解决方案和服务为社区提供安全纯净的饮用水。
- 我们部署创新且稳健的废物管理策略,旨在减少、再利用和回收所有类型液体废物中的水。
- 我们投资部署先进技术,为我们的工厂和客户补充制造过程中使用的水。
- 我们在我们的场所内采用雨水收集技术来鼓励节约用水。
- 我们投资于促进综合废物管理同时生产绿色能源的解决方案
- Ion Exchange 致力于使用可再生能源(包括替代能源)和绿色能源,以减少我们的能源足迹
- 我们进行流程优化并对公用设备进行高效管理,以减少天然气消耗(能源)
- 我们遵循公平公正的做法,为我们运营中的每个人提供公平的收入、工作场所的安全、家庭的社会保护以及更好的个人发展前景。
- 我们致力于在所有业务中消除强迫劳动和童工。
- 离子交换流程和政策促进供应商的公平选择,旨在提高整个供应链的经济包容性。
- 我们为工作场所的员工提供财务建议,并定期举办研讨会来解决财务问题,并让员工了解最新的最佳投资实践。
- Ion Exchange 旨在建设有弹性的基础设施,促进可持续工业化,并促进供应链管理的创新和资源效率。
- 我们不断投资建设、加强和发展国家的能力。
- 我们投资开发创新产品和解决方案,以满足行业满足严格环境规范的需求。
- 我们采购当地产品并管理物流,为当地创业创造积极影响。
- Ion Exchange 致力于减少收入不平等以及基于性别、残疾、宗教和社会阶层的歧视。
- 通过我们计划的企业社会责任举措,我们致力于帮助社会中的经济困难群体逐步实现更大的平等。
- Ion Exchange 为社区提供全面水管理的定制技术、产品和服务。
- 我们的目标是通过特别关注城市废物管理来减少城市对人均环境的不利影响。
- 通过我们的可持续解决方案和服务,我们确保各种用途的水质量有保证——饮用、烹饪、沐浴、洗衣、空调、游泳池、洗车、园艺等。
- 我们提供循环解决方案,处理固体废物(有机厨余和污水污泥)并将其转化为绿色能源、纯净水和丰富的有机肥料。
- Ion Exchange 开展活动以提高消费者意识,并通过有关减少、回收和再利用的演示,让他们大幅减少废物的产生。
- 我们根据商定的国际框架制定和执行产品管理战略,并有意识地致力于减少我们的环境足迹。
- 我们严格遵守我们运营地区的法定合规准则。
- 我们不断努力转向更可持续的消费和生产模式,以减少废物的产生,改善化学品和有毒废物的管理,使用节能组件、照明等,并负责任地处置废物。
- 我们致力于通过采用节能技术、设备、系统和实践来提高能源效率,同时减少碳足迹。
- Ion Exchange 的灾难管理单元 (DMU) 是一种最先进的集装箱水处理系统,专为满足自然灾害期间的饮用水紧急需求而设计。 由于气候变化无常,我们的 DMU 能够有效应对气候变化。
- 我们利用尽职调查工具,包括风险识别、影响评估、管理和缓解措施、报告申诉机制和其他利益相关者参与流程。
- 我们对各级腐败和贿赂采取零容忍政策和方法,促进有效和负责任的组织。
- Ion Exchange 积极参与并领导国内和国际利益相关者团体之间的对话,以促进可持续发展。
- Ion Exchange 与国际组织合作,将可持续产品和解决方案推向市场。

2023 年第三届 ESG 峰会暨颁奖典礼
董事长兼董事总经理 Rajesh Sharma 先生在转型论坛 2023 年第三届年度 ESG 奖项及峰会上被授予“年度 ESG 远见者”称号

2022-2023 年 TERI 水可持续发展奖
Ajay Popat 先生(总裁)和 Sharad Jha 先生(业务发展副总经理)出席 2022-2023 年 TERI 水资源可持续发展奖(由 UNDP 和 IWA 支持)。 我们的 INDION 综合废物管理系统(带资源回收)荣获水技术创新“感谢状”。

2022 年第二届 ESG 峰会及颁奖典礼
Satya Palai 先生 - 可持续发展和全面质量管理副总裁,在转型论坛第二届年度 ESG 峰会和 2022 年颁奖典礼上荣获“提高能源效率和获取清洁能源的最佳举措”奖。

TERI – IWA – 联合国开发计划署水资源可持续发展奖 2021-2022
总裁 Ajay Popat 先生接受 TERI-IWA-UNDP 废水处理和安全再利用水资源可持续发展奖

经济时报 2019 年可持续发展目标影响峰会
董事长兼董事总经理 Rajesh Sharma 先生接受可持续发展解决方案冠军奖

3rd Annual ESG Summit and Award 2023

2nd Annual ESG Summit and Awards 2022

TERI Water Sustainability Awards 2022-2023

TERI – IWA – UNDP Water Sustainability Awards 2021-2022